Terry Interviews with Diane Hume about Sailboat Coaching

Terry Barkman, founder of Sailboat Coaching International, has been leading sailing trips for over a decade, but if you’re new to us you may be wondering about some of the basics of what we do. I recently had the privilege of interviewing with Diane Hume from “Dream Receiver Coaching” where we addressed some of those questions.

In this interview we discuss topics like:

  • Where the idea for Terry Barkman Sailboat Coaching came from
  • How many people typically sail on a trip
  • What sailing locations are offered



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What does a typical sailboat coaching trip look like?

Each trip is unique; different trips will have different clients, co-leaders and coaching topics. It’s best to come prepared to discuss what’s been challenging for you recently so you get as much benefit as possible.

That being said, the sailboat trips we offer have many similarities as well. Depending on the sailboat, a trip will have around 9 clients and 3 coaches. I make time for coaching clients on each trip so we can get away from the loud noise of the city and really dive deep into your roadblocks, goals and priorities in life while being surrounded by open water.

Locations for trips range from local trips such as Deep Cove or English Bay to destination trips like Fiji and Spain. There are great areas for sailing near Vancouver BC, but it’s tough to beat the clear blue water and tropical islands of the Caribbean and we want to offer trips that ALL of our clients can fall in love with!



Check out our TRIPS page to see what what a trip looks like!