

“Limitations and boundaries only exist at the places where you stop going beyond. If you never stop, then you go beyond boundaries, beyond limitations, beyond the sense of the restricted self.” – Singer

What are your limitations?  Where are you stopping yourself?  What are you allowing to get in your way?

What are you willing to imagine yourself doing that you have never done yet?  What are you willing to fail at until you succeed?  If there is a cost to pay, who are you willing to BE?


What passions take you outside of your comfort zone? What drives you to explore, and expand your horizons? What limits do you place on your imagination?

Here is a man who isn’t afraid to do something unusual in pursuing his passion! Following his heart right into the tree canopy! So proud of you Chris! Keep building your dream!!


At a Canada Day celebration, this beautiful GIANT flag was hanging from a crane. Celebrants were trying to catch the bottom of it for a picture. Every time they thought they’d have it, the wind would push the light fabric just out of reach. Then this guy comes walking up, and without breaking a stride, he grabs cloth with both hands. How did he do it? As a sailor, I happen to know that you need to respond to where the wind is GOING to be. How often in life are we responding to preexisting feedback, rather than being where we are meant to be next?


Going Sideways

Sometimes when you are pushing the limits out on the water, the ocean gets beside you.  Working together as a team, we can get upright, and get underway again.  Gravity is our friend, it shows us which way is up.

In life, sometimes things also go sideways.  How do we get upright again?  What indicators do we look at to bring ourselves back into alignment?


When I was a young man, I started my first company in an industry where I was guaranteed to make a good living. Over a decade of my time went into tackling challenges that I cared about, but I didn’t CARE about. It got repetitive. The work was good, and the people were good, but I was out of alignment. There was something bigger out there that would stretch and grow me in the ways that I needed to grow. Asking the question over and over again, I never came up with a clear answer to where I was meant to be.

Burnout happens, not because we’re trying to solve problems, but because we’ve been trying to solve the same problem over and over again.  Susan Scott

So I did something that I would never have recommended. I stopped working. I created space in my life, and new opportunities and connections arose. As I made choices that brought me into alignment with who I am, it became clear who I am meant to be, and what that looks like in the world.

Have you ever felt burned out? Where are you out of alignment? What do you wish you were doing that you are not doing now?


In life, there is not always a good way to mark the milestones.  And sometimes there is no one there to witness an accomplishment or achievement.  Whenever possible though, I celebrate the moments large and small, with a supportive group of friends!  Crossing the 5000 mile mark on the PDF cruise will always be a favorite memory for me.  😀

Here is to the times we get it right!