“When I met Terry, I instantly knew that this was for me! His vision is just really coming from the right place. He is a change agent!”
Working with Michelle has been a treat! And I can’t wait to work together with her on Sailboat Coaching International Trips in 2018! Her enthusiasm for connecting with participants is heartwarming and inspiring. 😀
“Seeing a partial eclipse bears the same relation to seeing a total eclipse as kissing a man does to marrying him, or as flying in an airplane does to falling out of an airplane. Although the one experience precedes the other, it in no way prepares you for it.” Annie Dillard, Total Eclipse
Totality. Sometimes the difference between 99.9% and 100% is a little hard to describe. A mostly eclipse it gets a little darker. A total eclipse means you can stare directly at the sun without the eclipse glasses. It get cold. You can see stars in the daytime. That kind of dark. If you haven’t born witness to a total eclipse, you really should read Annie Dillard’s Total Eclipse. Reading about a total eclipse is more like the real thing than seeing a partial eclipse in person. No one does a better job at describing something that you can look right at without comprehending.
Where are you willing to be 100%?? When are you willing to lay it all out for that last little bit?
Photo Courtesy of Bruce Bergman, who stood in the hops field with me, waiting for the sun to vanish, and the stars to appear.
What are you willing to declare?? On a beach, not too far from the boat, our whole crew made declarations of the changes they’ve made on THIS trip!! Change starts with intention, and continues with execution.
Shantel Thilman is riding her bicycle from Alaska to Mexico. Which is far. Even driving that distance takes a pretty long time! She is doing it to raise money for her Grandpa, who has Alzheimer’s. That’s love.
Who do you love enough to do something big for? What is the biggest thing you’ve ever done for them?
As her bike rolled through Vancouver, we were able to catch up and eat ginormous cinnamon rolls! (Not pictured here, we ate them) We are proud of you and we are behind you. Good luck Shantel, as you roll on down to Mexico!!
Update: Shantel has extended her ride down the Baja in Mexico, adding over 1000 miles!
When you have to shovel snow off the boat to get out for a sail, you know you are committed! Last winter, we went out for a day sail near Vancouver. The boat was covered in snow. The lines were frozen. The heater below wouldn’t light, because the fuel was too cold. It took hard work and determination, just to get ready to disembark. My fingers were frozen from deicing the turn blocks. But the light was fabulous! And when the wind filled in, we got some premium winter sailing. All of that work was really play, because of the meaning we gave to it.
That’s living! And when we came back into harbor under sail, it was with a sense of accomplishment. Be intrepid! What are you willing to leave your comfort zone for? What are you willing to work extra hard to build into your life? What is your why?