An interview with Doug Morneau on The Real Marketing Real Fast Podcast

Interview highlights:

  • A sailboat is a great place to work on corporate team building activities and to see how your team is functioning together and where the fall-downs are in your communication.
  • The boat inherently sets up short feedback loops and we can tell if the things that we’ve asked for and communicating for are happening, we can tell how quickly they’re happening, we can tell who’s jumping in and being a team player and who’s hanging back and waiting for somebody else to take the lead.
  • A big part of what a sailboat coaching trip is is it’s a retreat. It is getting away from the office, getting away from even home, and being in a new setting that’s beautiful and having the trees and the water all around you.
  • I feel like if you want to be the best version of yourself that you can be if you want to excel if you want to win at life, you should have a coach.

LISTEN HERE – Real Marketing Real Fast Podcast

LISTEN HERE – Apple Podcasts


Terry Barkman is the founder of Sailboat Coaching International, and he is a seasoned and passionate one-on-one coach. He is currently available for a limited number of introductory coaching sessions. If you suspect that worthiness might be holding you back from living a life by design, contact Terry today!

Phone Number: (604) 835-5111 | Email: